KLUB WRKR is a traveling exhibition composed of interactive media and custom-made furniture inspired by Alexander Rodchenko’s Workers’ Club. The space for self-education and leisure of the soviet proletariat has been reimagined as a nomadic performance-architecture raising questions about identity, emancipation, and labor today. KLUB WRKR points to the oppositional forces of struggle and exploitation that form subjectivity, and centers the politics and economy of friendship as a method for revolutionary action.

The exhibition’s components include a dialectical karaoke machine, a 24-hour comrade hotline, a 2-channel 2-player video game and arcade apparatus titled lupa rossi, a suite of plans, and a two-channel video of earth’s zenith/nadir from NY-LA.

KLUB WRKR is made collaboratively and features the work of Kyle Bellucci Johanson, Will Lee, Jen Vanselow, and Real Friends LLC.

Friday May 3
During the Unblurred gallery crawl

205 North Evaline St
Pittsburgh, PA