Citizen Canine is an exhibition of videogames that look at our society from the eyes of our best friends. Solve a reactionary squirrel conspiracy, create mayhem in a Russian subway station, selectively breed the purest purebred, build a city of fleas and ticks, lead an operatic animal strike…
This is not just memes and cuteness, it’s radical pawlitics!
*Bring your own dog to the show! We’ll have treats, pee cleaning supplies, and a fenced outdoor area.
Works: Doggins by Brain & Brain /// Bad Corgi by Ian Cheng /// Russian Subway Dogs by Spooky Squid /// Oikospiel Book I by David Kanaga /// Dogness by Molleindustria /// Woof3D by SK Louie /// Flea City by LIKELIKE
April 6th, 2018
During the Unblurred gallery crawl
205 North Evaline St
Pittsburgh, PA